Your thoughts please

The Truth. That's what they called my good friend Michael back home in England. Apparently,
Michael used to tell it "As it is". Bishop Jordan spoke about in church last Sunday (in one of
his sermons). Man, he laid it down like I've never heard it before. He said "You dont love me,
if you did, you would be obedient and pay your tithe". Strong words indeed, but true. If we all
love God we would be obedient and pay our tithe, right?
I became a member of this church because I want to be a part of the vision Bishop Jordan has
for the multiplex which is to be built in my town.I often wonder why I end up where I do and now I choose to believe that this is the reason why. I'm going to do whatever I need to do to see this come to fruition.
Please, please, please comment on this.
